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Meet Georges Leconte Colonoscopy Patient

Harlem CEO Gets a Colonoscopy

Georges Leconte agreed to a video of his procedure to show how quick and easy it is.

In his role at NYC Health + Hospitals/Harlem, CEO Georges Leconte is focused on the wellbeing of his patients and staff and knows all too well that health care providers often put their own health in the backseat.

“We tend to be the worst in terms of patients, quite honestly,” Leconte said. “We do well in terms of taking care of others but not in taking care of ourselves.”

Taking a step toward changing that pattern, Leconte scheduled a colonoscopy, a procedure where a doctor inserts a flexible lighted tube into the rectum to check for signs of cancer.

Leconte had the colonoscopy performed by Dr. Joan Culpepper-Morgan, Chief of Gastroenterology at NYC Health + Hospitals/Harlem. He agreed to a videographer documenting the procedure to show how quick and easy it is.

Watch NYC Health + Hospitals/Harlem CEO Georges Leconte get his colonoscopy.

George Leconte’s Colonoscopy – Prep and Procedure


7 a.m. – Wakes up and begins his day by having cereal as a light breakfast.

12 p.m. – Begins prepping for his colonoscopy by taking five laxative pills as instructed.

6 p.m. – Drinks the prescribed cleansing solution, which acts as a liquid laxative. He drinks an eight-ounce cup of the liquid every 10 minutes until completing a full gallon.


8:10 a.m. – Arrives to NYC Health + Hospitals/Harlem, checks in at the reception desk and is prepped for his colonoscopy. He is then brought to the Ambulatory Surgery area, a space used for patient intake.

9:12 a.m. – Leconte is brought into the operating room and is introduced to the team. They prep him by attaching monitors to keep track of his blood pressure, heart rate and respiration.

9:23 a.m. – Sedative medications are given until Leconte is asleep. Then Dr. Culpepper-Morgan and team begin the colonoscopy.

9:46 a.m. – The colonoscopy has been completed and once Leconte’s vital signs are stable and he is responsive to his name, he is brought back to the Ambulatory Surgery area.

10:15 a.m. – After fully waking up, Dr. Culpepper-Morgan lets Leconte know there are no findings and he is good to go. He is also given a written report before being discharged and returning home, accompanied by his wife.

Learn more about Colon Cancer Screenings

Healthy Living Tips: What You Need to Know About Colon Cancer

Watch Dr. Nichola Davis Explain the At-Home FIT Test for Colon Cancer

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