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The human endocrine system encompasses many parts of the body, including glands, hormones, and organs. It regulates hormones and involves the thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands, as well as ovaries and testes.

The board-certified physicians at NYC Health + Hospitals/South Brooklyn Health are some of the best endocrinologists in New York City. We provide comprehensive diagnosis and care for patients with endocrine disorders at our endocrine and diabetes clinic.

There are many treatments available for patients with endocrine disorders. Our medical team works closely with patients to define a treatment plan that works best for you and your individual situation.

We provide treatment for an extensive array of endocrine conditions, including:

  • Adrenal disorders: The adrenal gland releases steroid hormones, including cortisol (hydrocortisone), adrenaline (epinephrine), and sex steroids (androgen, estrogen). These hormones help regulate metabolism, the immune system, blood pressure, and stress response. Disorders of the adrenal glands often occur because too little or too much hormone is produced. Specific examples include Addison’s Disease, where too little cortisol is produced, and Cushing’s syndrome, where cortisol levels are too high. Symptoms can include losing weight without trying or gaining weight in the upper body, extreme tiredness, pain that is severe and unrelenting, changes in hair growth, and bruising easily.
  • Bone disorders: Bone disorders include low bone density and osteoporosis, osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), Paget’s disease, and other metabolic bone diseases. These disorders can weaken bones and make them more vulnerable to fracture. Symptoms can include aching bones, frequent fractures, spine curvature, and tooth problems.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects a person’s ability to produce insulin, a hormone that helps the body convert sugar to energy. Left untreated, diabetes causes glucose (blood sugar) to remain too high and can significantly impact a person’s long-term health. Symptoms of diabetes can include thirst, frequent urination, losing weight without trying, blurry vision, numbness, tingling in hands or feet, tiredness, and very dry skin.
  • Pituitary disorders:The pituitary gland plays a significant role in metabolism, growth, blood pressure, sexual maturation, and reproduction. As with other disorders of the endocrine system, pituitary disorders are often caused by too much or too little hormone being produced. This can include growth hormones, cortisol levels, and hormone production in the testes or ovaries. Pituitary tumors, usually benign, can cause vision issues, and affect menstruation, fertility, and erectile function. Symptoms of pituitary disorders can include fatigue, sexual dysfunction, significant weight fluctuation, or growth changes.
  • Reproductive disorders:Reproductive disorders affect a patient’s fertility and can happen to women or men. Two common conditions that cause reproductive disorders are polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. With PCOS, a woman may have many ovarian cysts and may have irregular periods or no periods. Symptoms include missed periods, excess body hair, weight gain, acne, and thinning hair. Endometriosis is a condition in which uterine-like tissue grows outside the uterus. Symptoms can include painful periods, pelvic pain, and bloating.
  • Thyroid disorders: Thyroid glandfunction affects weight, energy levels, nail and hair growth, metabolism, and body temperature. Like other endocrine disorders, those of the thyroid are related to hormone production. The most common thyroid disorders are hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Symptoms can include fatigue, and weight loss or weight gain. Many thyroid disorders are considered autoimmune conditions—where the immune system attacks itself—and can often be treated with medication.

Many endocrine disorders can be diagnosed via a urine sample, blood test, or other minimally invasive tests. If you have symptoms that are of concern, please let our expert team work with you to find a diagnosis and help you on the path to feeling better.

For more information about Endocrinology or to schedule an appointment, please contact                    1-844-692-4692.